
Wednesday, February 25, 2004  

The End

Posted by Analogcabin @ 12:02 PM

Tomorrow's the day we end this togetherness charade and begin a new chapter on Analogcabin. This chapter is likely to be much like that last five -- initially exciting, but ultimately unfulfilling. We will start it nonetheless, for to give up would be admitting something about something.

The look will change, but most of the players will not. Saffron will return as a shill for the left. With luck, his new role will prevent his incessant bleating about The Walkmen. His counterpart for the right has yet to be cast, though I've got my eye on someone. Shakti will cover religious stuff, of which there's a disturbing amount lately, and Barry and Sue will become entertainment's most dynamic duo.

It's been fun, and it's about to get funner.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2004  

A short rant

Posted by Barry @ 2:49 PM

In My Humble Opinion

Let's just talk about what's NOT being said in this whole gay marriage thing.

Conservative America is scared of homosexuality and gay marriage because if gays are allowed to "marry" then there will no longer be a valid deterrant to sway their children away from "becoming gay". (Gay schoolteachers could even more easily indoctrinate their young students since there would, apparantly, no longer be any significant disadvantage to being gay.)

This is not about what allowing gays to marry will do to the institution of marriage. It's about what allowing gays to marry will do -- as far as showing that homosexuality is "bad" -- to our nation's youth.

Of course, this can't be said by the Right, since they'd be torn down as hatemongers, and the simple fact of the matter is that gay activists and those lobbying for gay marriage have completely dropped the ball in re-assuring and proving to the rest of america that the true purpose of wanting gay marriage is simple equality.

Let's start saying the things that aren't being said, so we can begin to separate truth from suspicion and fear.

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A Change a-Gonna Come

Posted by Analogcabin @ 9:26 AM

So I've finally cracked the last technical lock preventing the redesign of Analogcabin. This means that, within a couple of weeks and perhaps as early as Friday, the site will be relaunched. There'll be four separate blogs on the front page: The Left, The Right, The Sacred, and The Profane. Saffron (with Sumday's help?) will cover Democratic politics in The Left, someone (with luck, Offc. Krupke) will cover Republican politics in The Right, Shakti will cover religion in politics and culture in The Sacred, and Sue and Barry will cover Hollywood in The Profane. I will retire from these pages, acting only as publisher, and focus on The Spoonbender.

We'll be better for it.

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Monday, February 23, 2004  

Again, The Walkmen

Posted by Jimmy Saffron @ 12:04 AM

How good were The Walkmen at the Henry Fonda on Saturday? In the parlance of our contemporaries, so effing good. I thought my days of giddy fanboy behavior were behind me. My stiff neck and scratchy throat would suggest otherwise.

Highlights had to be "My Old Man," "New Year's Eve," and, of course, "The Rat," which is shaping up to be their flagship song. It's the single of the year so far, in my little corner of the world.

Anyone who knows me knows I love this band. I love them in that possessive high-school kind of way. I'm on board. My identification is complete. I feel like it's music made by people my age, people at the same place in their lives. Listening to it, I feel validated. It's expansive, atmospheric, beautiful, bizarre, sometimes fierce, sometimes plaintive, often moving. A little pretentious, sometimes indulgent, but never cynical. Maybe not for everyone. Definitely for me.

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Saturday, February 21, 2004  

More and More Fun With Captions

Posted by Shakti Mann @ 4:16 PM

Gov. Ah-nold on same-sex marriages. Captions, anyone?

And, on a completely unrelated note, how about this? Bad news for Saffron, huh?

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Friday, February 20, 2004  

Forget Brooks. You're the David I want.

Posted by Jimmy Saffron @ 3:39 PM

Be sure and read this before it's archived.

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Is Nothing Sacred?

Posted by Jimmy Saffron @ 3:37 PM

Laura Bush may have put the issue of gay marraige to rest once and for all, but defenders of marraige best not rest on their laurels just yet. The blessed sacrement faces an even more severe challenge in the coming days. And while the nature of this depravity may shock and disturb, I doubt you'll be too surprised by its source. You guessed it: France.

Apparently the Frogs think it's perfectly acceptable for the living to marry the dead. Have ever heard of something so perverse, so sick, so, well, French?

"I have transcended death," Ms. Demichel said enthusiastically.

A French court approved her wedding to her deceased fiance Eric, who was killed by a drunk driver in December.

So you transcended death. Big whoop. We have bigger fish to fry, Ms. Demichel. For instance, the honeymoon? You're so clever, how do you plan to swing that? White-water rafting on the river Styx?

Fucking French. Never thinking shit through.

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Thursday, February 19, 2004  

Reason #42 of Why American Needs A Shovel Upside the Head

Posted by Barry @ 7:31 PM

Actual news story: Advertising writers in Florida were planning to pitch hemorrhoid-relief products with a commercial featuring Johnny Cash's classic song ``Ring of Fire.''

``We would never allow the song to be demeaned like that,'' Cash's daughter, singer Rosanne Cash, told The Tennessean in Sunday's editions.

``Ring of Fire'' was written by Cash's wife, June Carter Cash, and Merle Kilgore, who is now Hank Williams Jr.'s manager. Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash died last year.

TV producer Sula Miller of Big Grin Productions in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., said she came up with the idea when she was struggling with that uncomfortable medical condition and heard the song on the radio.

At the time, Kilgore said he thought the idea was funny, and that he often joked about hemorrhoids onstage whenever he'd introduce ``Ring of Fire,'' which includes the words ``burns, burns, burns.''

But Cash's family isn't laughing.

``He (Merle) started talking about this moronic tie-in without talking to any of us,'' Rosanne Cash told the newspaper. ``The song is about the transformative power of love and that's what it has always meant to me and that's what it will always mean to the Cash children.''

Did anyone else know that RING OF FIRE was about the power of love??? Just curious. -Barry

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Et tu Ashton, et tu?

Posted by Barry @ 12:55 PM

So it seems that "Hollywood Hunk" Ashton Kutcher's real age has come into question. All of Kelso's official bios claim that his birthday is on February 7, 1978 which would make him newly 26, but "journalists" at the National Enquirer have discovered a document in the Los Angeles County Registrar's voter registration records which show a Christopher Ashton Kutcher who was born in Iowa and currently residing in Beverly Hills, California, with a birth date of February 7, 1974.

30, folks.... the Dude is 30. So, the whole flap about the Demi age difference has been exaggerated (since now she's only like 11 years older). I wonder if that ruins some of the Kink Value of the relationship for her?

But you know why I like this story??? I've been to this guy's house and he had a, swear to god, suit of armor in his foyer... right by the stairs... and this was like 3 years ago when he would have been "23". It seemed sort of appropriate at the time... Hollywood pretty boy, coming into a bunch of money and spending it in ridiculous ways on his crib. But now thinking that he had this excessive accessory at 27 years old??? Idjits... all of 'em.

Except Jen G. She rules.

(I realize this post is completely pointless... but I didn't have anything to offer up lately... and has anyone else been TRANSFIXED by the Shakti Mann photo where he's wearing a vest and headwrap with that "Oh My!" expression on his face? Who is this boy and why don't I know him?)

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Wednesday, February 18, 2004  

Shakti Too Mad to Be Subtle or Particularly Funny

Posted by Shakti Mann @ 3:09 PM

Well, everyone, you can relax now. Laura Bush has weighed in on San Francisco's gay marriages. And--surprise, surprise--The First Lady of Pecksniffian Rectitude is shocked.

One quote from the articule....

Mrs. Bush's demeanor is quiet and matter-off-fact, yet she sometimes serves as the president's flak jacket when she's on the road.

...reminded me of something that I found shocking when I heard it: in reality, this former librarian's favorite piece of literature is "The Grand Inquisitor" chapter from The Brothers Karamazov.

This little bit of irony was the basis for a lovely piece of theatrical protest that came out last year. Sharpen your disgust--read up!

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Posted by Billy Sumday @ 11:32 AM

Kerry and Dean, oblivious to the Rev. Sharpton's presence, repeat some rumors heard earlier in the day.

I'm telling you, Howard, Dennis saw him in the shower and he said his balls were, like, THIS big. I know, it's crazy, but you know what they say about those people. I mean, can you imagine? Having to walk around all the time like that? No wonder he always looks like he's in such pain. I mean, JESUS!

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Hasidically Hip

Posted by Jimmy Saffron @ 1:41 AM

Per the NYT, there's unrest in Williamsburg, Brooklyn between the native Satmar Hasidic Jews and the encroaching hipster hordes.

It's a culture war with all the trappings: protests, propaganda ("One flier included a drawing of the World Trade Center collapsing, and read, in Yiddish, 'How long did it take the Twin Towers to fall? Eight seconds. How long will it take for Williamsburg??? God Forbid'"), even physical intimidation ("These two Hasidic guys, dressed as Hasidically as you could possibly dress, came in and asked me what kind of people live in this neighborhood").

What's at stake? For starters, affordable housing, quiet nights, the right to rip tenants off with the lure of exposed brick walls and hardwood floors.

Not to mention credit for the prevailing "curly sideburn" craze.

"We may have a problem with people using musical instruments at 3 in the morning, we may have a problem with people getting drunk, we may have a problem with an individual approaching young girls about private issues," said Sam Brown, 45, a real estate investor from the Satmar community."

In other words, we may have a bar.

The Satmar took their complaints straight to the top:

"A flier handed out at a protest asked the "Master of the Universe" to "please remove from upon us the plague of the artists, so that we shall not drown in evil waters, and so that they shall not come to our residence to ruin it."

Another flier added:

"and so that shall not allow repeats at open mic night."

Already though, cracks are showing in the rigid Sathar resolve. One neighborhood kid was caught intentionally ripping her pinafore, while another was overheard saying of his father's clothing: "that's nothing the Ba'al Shem Tov wasn't doing hundreds of years ago."

A couple shoe-gazers leave the local thrift store with some boffo finds.

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Monday, February 16, 2004  

Re: Rev. Al's Face

Posted by Shakti Mann @ 9:07 AM

"By the margin of fair Zurich's waters
Dwelt a youth, whose fond heart, night and day,
For the fairest of fair Zurich's daughters
In a dream of love melted away."
- Charles Dance, Fair Zurich's Waters

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Caption Fun

Posted by Analogcabin @ 8:30 AM

Anybody want to offer a caption?

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Monday, February 09, 2004  

Nude Oryoki

Posted by Shakti Mann @ 1:01 PM

These pictures are from winter dathun, taken by my friend Charlaine.

On our last oryoki meal at the retreat, my team served (there were four alternating serving teams) and we got a little crazy (as is the tradition every year with the closing teams, apparently). I wore a towel, my Carhart vest, a Cambodian scarf, and women's sunglasses.

Thought you all would appreciate a look at that.

I've included the one of me eating oryoki because I just think it's funny that Charlaine captured me so blatantly hitting on one of the nice young women on retreat.

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I Like Coldplay, but...

Posted by Shakti Mann @ 12:06 PM

I find it funny that CNN thinks one of the important moments of John Kerry's fourth week "on a roll" is the endorsement of Coldplay frontman Chris Martin.

Yeah, you know, next to unions, that Euro-pop artist endorsement is what you need to grab up the Democratic nomination.

That "We're-Bucking-to-Be-the-Next-U2" vote--it's crucial. That's what decides who the players are in the race to run this country.

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Friday, February 06, 2004  

What's In It For Me?

Posted by Jimmy Saffron @ 3:34 PM

The Walkmen have a great new record.

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Thursday, February 05, 2004  

P.S. to Christ on film

Posted by Barry @ 3:03 PM

Additionally, the pope is reworking the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel so that all swords and other weapons will be replaced with less violent walkie talkies.

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Wednesday, February 04, 2004  

Christ on Film

Posted by Jimmy Saffron @ 10:50 AM

According to The New York Times, a focus group composed of priests and ministers compelled Mel Gibson to drop a scene that curses Jews for the death of Jesus from his new film, The Passion of the Christ.

An associate of Gibson's takes a stab at why: "Maybe it was thought to be too has been used terribly over the years."

It would appear Gibson's not the only one seeking the Good Word of mouth. I'm told the same group of priests were invited to view rough cuts of several other upcoming releases, giving high points to Universal's Van Helsing ("boomerang crucifix--way cool") and Dreamwork's Eurotrip ("total guilty pleasure--we should know.")

Seems to me clergy-based focus groups have enjoyed a resurgence of late. You may recall Pope John Paul II's recent decision to add more mysteries to the rosary. Word is he panicked when local prayer screenings revealed lower-than-expected approval for the centuries-old incantation.

Taking his cue from a focus group, the Pope drafted a 30-page memo to his staff, demanding “more intrigue; a badder, sexier villain; and maybe an explosion at the end of the second prayer set."

"Don't get me wrong," The Pope added, "I love the prayer. It's fabulous. I just have a few small notes.”

When controversy arose, one senior Vatican official defended the pope's decision, saying his revisions of the rosary were in keeping with "original vision of the project.”

"It's an attempt to try to deepen and make more complete Christians' identification with Christ," the official said.

“And also to make his character more proactive, less of a wuss.”

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Monday, February 02, 2004  

Indecent Exposure

Posted by Jimmy Saffron @ 3:36 PM

Poor Janet Jackson. I'm sure you all know by now, but things got ugly during the Super Bowl halftime show after Justin Timberlake grabbed the front of her leather boustiere and pulled with all his might. Viewers called CBS in droves to complain about this indecent dinner-hour display. Frankly, I can't blame them. If you missed it live, check out this freeze frame.

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I Forbid Klingon to Appear Here Again

Posted by Analogcabin @ 1:31 PM

Here's my shot at a caption:

"Wait'll my brother gets a hold of you!"

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Caption: Ms. Jackson chugh SoH 'oH HoS

Posted by Barry @ 12:10 PM

(Klingon for: "Ms. Jackson if you're nasty.")

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Captions, Anyone?

Posted by Shakti Mann @ 11:15 AM

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